Equity-Centred Practices for Connecting Knowledge with Action
The overall theme of the BCCI is “Equity-Centred Practices for Connecting Knowledge with Action” using the published CCGHR Principles for Global Health Research as a framework. The six principles featured in this framework offer tools for reflection and action in research and knowledge translation:
Authentic partnering
Shared benefits
Commitment to the future
Responsiveness to causes of inequities
Phase 1
Phase 1 included intensive preparation extending over several weeks leading up to the on-site event in Kelowna. A set of resources were provided before the start of the BCCI, in order to help inform discussions at the workshop.
Planning began about twelve weeks before the face-to-face event with the creation of the BCCI website, specially designed to meet the needs and objectives of the program. Included were relevant readings—some of them specifically designated as “homework”, participant bios (most with photos), regular updates, blogs and other features.
Phase 2
Phase 2 included a three-day on-site event consisting of workshops, panels and open sessions focusing on participants’ self-directed learning objectives. The major theme of cultivating “Equity-Centred Practices for Connecting Knowledge with Action” was threaded throughout the program between Friday, September 29 and Sunday, October 1, 2017, with each step building on earlier reflections.
As in previous Summer Institutes the schedule was intentionally designed using evidence from research about adult learning.
A major emphasis throughout the three days was on the recently published CCGHR Principles of Global Health Research, guided by Katrina Plamondon, the principal investigator of the CCGHR’s Gathering Perspectives: A Shared Vision for Global Health Research project. Through small group discussions, the principles were analyzed and applied to specific projects and scenarios. The event also included structured presentations and discussions with key global health research leaders, competency-oriented workshops and “open sessions” to share and debate specific topics and issues. There was also allocated time for individual reflection and personalized mentorship and career guidance.
Phase 3
The third phase was designed as a follow-up consolidation phase that includes capacity strengthening activities in the participating universities and regionally. A variety of follow-up activities were proposed as a transition strategy towards a long-term commitment of knowledge to action, with a goal to develop a long-term strategy by June 2018.