BCCI 3 | Fall 2021: Climate Justice: learning from the pandemic

Similar to earlier Coalition Institutes, BCCI 3 had three components. Phase 2, an intensive 2-day event took place on October 1-2.

About BCCI 3

In early 2021, a diverse group of representatives from institutions and networks across BC were invited to join a planning team and imagine how a third BCCI might synergize efforts to advance equitable futures when the converging crises of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrate the intense interconnectedness of our time. In particular, facilitators were interested in bringing together people working toward similar goals in different academic arenas: global health and rural-and-remote health. A preliminary title is Climate Justice: learning from the pandemic.

In the initial conversations, collaborators also emphasized their desire to focus on practice, pedagogy, and applied learning and cultivating capacities as change makers. We shared a desire to be in good relationship with each other, the land, and communities. Across institutions and disciplines, we shared a strong commitment to responding to these crises that were indeed the collective challenge for humanity, and require collective action, humility, an emphasis on learning and creativity, and working across generations, with many communities and people, leveraging the energy, time, and brilliance of everyone toward what is, essentially, a shared interdependence and future.

BCCI-3 will involve

  • Partnerships across universities and research networks in BC
  • Virtual engagement events beginning spring/summer 2021 and active time with the land and outdoors
  • A more intensive 2-day event (symposium) that blends shared and distributed workshops, with virtually connected province-wide workshops that anchor the start and end of each day and learning hubs working together in local groups in several locations across the province
  • A direct focus on working with local communities and youth on a specific project, focused on a question identified by a community group or as part of a university’s Climate Action and Sustainability plan
  • Applied learning, anchored in responding to a knowledge-to-action plan and inspired by thought leaders and workshops designed to support critically reflective dialogue and action toward more equitable futures

Planning team resources

Planning team members are welcome to visit our internal Slack workspace by clicking the button below. Should you experience any issues accessing, please email bcci.community@gmail.com

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